Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bomb Threats to NFL Stadiums

The FBI interviewed a Milwaukee resident today who officials believe was involved in posting Internet threats about dirty bomb attacks on NFL football stadiums this weekend, according to The threats, which included Houston's Reliant Stadium, appeared to be phony. The person, described as a 20-year-old man, did not appear to have any ties to terrorist groups, according to an FBI official in Washington who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing. The threats about radioactive bombs, posted on a Web site a week ago, were not backed up by intelligence indicating such an attack might be imminent, according to the FBI and the Homeland Security Department. Homeland Security on Wednesday alerted the NFL and authorities in New York, Miami, Atlanta, Seattle, Houston, Oakland and Cleveland, saying they were acting "out of an abundance of caution."

I hear alot of stories about bomb threats, most of which usually have no merit. People make such threats because they are seeking attention that they obviously are not receiving in their everyday life. If these stadiums were actually attacked, many innocent lives would be lost for no reason. The NFL says that the security at NFL stadiums is top notch, but I am sure that if someone wanted to get a bomb into an NFL stadium, that they would be able to with some careful planning. Our security measures since 9/11 have not been improved very much since 9/11. I think that people who make such threats should be locked up for a while, even if they had no real intention of committing such a crime. After 9/11, all terrorist threats must be taken with extreme caution around the world. To threaten innocent lives is wrong and the person who made the threats to NFL stadiums should be shown no mercy. Terrorist threats are not a joke, they are a crime!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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