Friday, October 06, 2006

Amish Tragedy

Under a cold, steady drizzle, the Amish drove in horse and buggy to a farmland cemetery today to bury the fifth of five girls shot to death by a school intruder, according to ABC News. More than 40 buggies splashed along country roads behind a funeral-home car, two mounted state troopers and a carriage with the body of 12-year-old Anna Mae Stoltzfus in a hand-sawn wooden coffin. The four other girls killed during Monday's shootings, two of them sisters, were laid to rest Thursday at the same hilltop graveyard.

The violence that took place in the one room Amish school is unimaginable. It makes me sick to my stomach to just think about why someone would take away the life of innocent Amish schoolgirls. With two other school shottings taking place over the past two weeks, something must be done to protect the innocent who are just trying to get an education. I heard that in Wisconsin that they might make a law that gives the right to schoolteachers to carry a fire arm to protect themselves and their students should such a horrific event take place at their school. I think this is a valid idea with the ever growing violence in our schools. I hope that the Amish don't think that all outsiders are evil like the man who took away their daughters and that more is done by the government to increase the security at schools across the United States.


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