Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Supreme Court to hear case on late-term abortions

Pro-abortion rights advocates are alarmed by today's Supreme court decision to hear a case on late-term abortions, according to ABC News. They believe it signals a desire by the high court to impose further restrictions on the right to abortion established in the Court's 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision. It will be the first time abortion has come before the Supreme Court since President George W Bush appointed two conservative judges to the bench, according to BBC News. The case concerns a law passed in 2003 that banned partial-birth termination - a method of late-term abortion. "While 'partial birth' abortions are often described as 'late term' abortions, the Supreme Court in the past said this abortion method was constitutionally protected only during the first six months of a pregnancy," says David G. Savage of The Los Angeles Times. "This is time when the fetus cannot live its own. After six months of a pregnancy, a fetus is usually considered 'viable' and capable of living outside its mother's womb."

Abortion is a heavy subject no matter how you look at it. The practice of late-term abortions is very questionable. The fact that they are also known as "partial birth" abortions makes it sound like a cruel and unethical practice to me. I believe that people should have the right to choose to have an abortion if that is what they truly desire, but to wait until a child is about to be born and then terminate it is very wrong. I could never let a child who is mine be aborted. I couldn't live with myself. I do not resent people who have chosen abortion though. Only God can judge us.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

RIP Benchley


Peter Benchley, the author of "Jaws", died Saturday at his home in Princeton, New Jersey reports EOnline.com. Benchley died of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a progressive and fatal scarring of the lungs according to The Los Angeles Times. The BBC News said he was an avid diver and environmentalist. He made a cameo appearance as a reporter in the 1975 film of his book directed by Steven Spielberg.

The world has lost a great writer with the passing of Benchley. I remember reading books he wrote when I was younger. I am a huge fan of "Jaws" and will always respect Benchley's work. He wrote about horrific sea creatures, yet in real life he had no fear of the sea. "Jaws" will always be remembered and Benchley's creation will live on for generations to come.

Stapp Sux

According to Gina Serpe on EOnline.com, former Creed frontman Scott Stapp was arrested Saturday for public intoxication while trying to board a flight to Hawaii at Los Angeles International Airport. This coming only one day after he married former Miss New York Jaclyn Nesheiwat Friday night in Miami, with his 7-year-old son Jagger as best man reports People magazine. He was booked and released on $250 bail from an area jail the same day according to Yahoo! News.

Scott Stapp has been in alot of trouble lately. The last time I heard about him in the news was because he got in a fight with members of the band 311 at a Baltimore hotel. Stapp is just craving the attention he once received when Creed was selling millions of records. He needs to stop his childish ways and become more of a man. Grow up Scott Stapp!!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Britney Spears In The News Once Again

Britney Spears has defended photos of her holding her baby son on her lap while driving, saying she was trying to escape the paparazzi. Witnesses reported Spears had been waiting for her bodyguard, who had gone inside a Starbucks, when she took her son out of his car seat in the back and held him on her lap, CTV Toronto says. According to the BBC News, the photos show Spears driving in traffic with one arm round Sean on her lap, rather than strapped into a baby car seat, while a passenger sits next to them. WTSP in Tampa Bay reported that photographers approached and became aggressive, so Spears decided to drive off while still holding her son.

Britney Spears is an untalented and washed up performer who should not be given the attention she so desperately craves. Just because she is a worldwide superstar, doesn't mean that she can get away with child endangerment. Her son could have been seriously injured if an accident had occured. Here's some advice for Britney, stop blaming the media for your blunders and take responsibility for your actions.

Montana Snubs Super Bowl

During the Super Bowl pregame ceremonies all but four past Super Bowl MVPs were on hand to be celebrated. Joe Montana, Terry Bradshaw, Jake Scott and the late Harvey Martin were not in attendance. Montana vehemently denied a report that he demanded a $100,000 appearance fee from the NFL. According to Newsday's Bob Glauber, Montana was home in the San Francisco suburbs. He told people during the week, when he made paid promotional appearances in Detroit, that he had to go home to watch one of his kids' basketball games. The San Francisco Chronicle cited two league sources in Monday's editions, saying that the NFL offered two tickets to the game, hotel accommodations, weekend car rental, tickets to three NFL parties, $1,000 spending money and first-class airfare. According to ESPN.com, Montana said money was never an issue and that he would not have attended the Super Bowl ceremony even if the appearance fee had been greater than the $100,000 he was reported to have requested.

Joe Montana showed that he does not have respect for the league that made him a household name. Any professional athlete should feel honored to be celebrated in front of a world wide audience. Montana has lost a bit of his integrity in my eyes if the accusations are true. Say it ain't so Joe!